Friday, February 27, 2009

Why I should be in New Moon

Hey guys.

So I want to enter a contest to be in New Moon. I was thinking you all could help me write a 1 minute peom about why I should be in New Moon. So if each of you who read this could comment me 1 or 2 reasons why YOU think I should be in New Moon that would be awesome...I'll put it into a funny thing for the video.


Anonymous said...

Because you're Scottish, and if it ain't Scottish, it's crap.

Melanie said...

You should be in New Moon because you a)already are an actress and know how to be in front of a camera, b) because you are the hugest Twilight saga fan, not many have traveled to Forks and c)becuase you are beautiful and they will need some beautiful girls in this movie!

Spanish Fork Venom said...

You should be in New Moon because you're Mormon, and everyone knows how dependable and honest Mormon's are. You will always be on time, never be high or drunk, never have se* with fellow castmates, and always have the light of christ shining in you're eyes. (no hate mail people, I say this very tongue in cheek. Yes I know other religions are great too. I'm just giving lulu a step up)

Lindsay Murdock said...

haha K who is that?? Brandie and Haley are the only people I know from Spanish Fork! So which one is it?? haha