Monday, September 5, 2011

Just a little update

Hey everyone! I tend to neglect my personal blog! Sorry! Check out my photography blog...lots going on there! 

Well what's been up with me?? Nothing! Just working at Amex and enjoying my summer. I usually have some crazy adventures going on, but I'm taking it pretty easy lately. Saving my money for some epic trips next year. I'm hoping to go with my Mom to Italy. I want to spend my Birthday in Hawaii or Forks, just depends on who can come with me! In April I am going on a cruise for my friends 30th birthday. Yikes...I have friends in their 30's?! My turn soon I guess!

What separated from the awesome singles ward in Farmington that I loved. That Bishopric was amazing. I miss them so much, but my new Bishopric is ok. Everyone in that ward is so young and it drives me crazy. 

Also just waiting for that perfect someone to come around...who knows...maybe I've met him already we both just need to realize we're meant for each other!! 

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