Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birthday week

So I've had the greatest week. First Tuesday was my actual Birthday. I got spoiled. I got a really nice lense for my camera and some shirts. I was treated to some yummy sushi at Happy Sumo and then a movie.

Then on Thursday I had 16 awesome people all show up for my dinner at Settebello. Honestly I was really worried nobody would show. But they did and made me feel loved. Maybe I'm not a total loser.

On Sunday my whole family is coming over for an awesome Superbowl Birthday party! I'm so excited and if the Colts won that would make the whole week that much better!

This year will bring me great things I'm sure of it. I feel it in my bones that things will start to go my way...heck who knows...maybe a really nice man will come into my life!

1 comment:

C.LEE said...

i wanted to be there so bad! please know that i love you!!